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(Updated) Kingdom Chapter 766 Spoilers & Raw Scans (Ri Shi’s Answer)

Last updated on August 2nd, 2023 at 12:14 am

Kingdom Chapter 766 spoilers have been released on time and some of our speculations might be right. Last time, we saw that You Ka accepted his role of being a quadruple spy, but tried pretty hard to convince Ri Shi.

Ri Shi also looks like he is very confused about what to do regarding You Ka, and Kanpishi’s death now. But, at the end of the chapter, he remembers Kanpishi’s words about You Ka, and should now decide what is best for Qin.

Kingdom Chapter 766 Spoilers

Kingdom Chapter 766 Spoilers & Raw Scans

This chapter is once again focused on Ri Shi, You Ka, and the situation at Qin. Ei Sei and the others also need to know the fact about You Ka, and the situation revolving around Kanpishi’s death.

  • Ri Shi and You Ka’s discussion keeps going, but it isn’t revealed what Ri Shi thinks of You Ka now.
  • As of the spoilers released, we do not know what Ri Shi thinks of this whole situation.
  • On the other hand, Ei Sei is also trying to investigate the matter of Kanpishi’s death.
  • He is also having an extensive discussion with Shou Bun Kun.
  • Shou Bun Kun might know something, about Ri Shi’s thoughts or his actions.
  • After a long session with You Ka and Ri Shi, it seems that the latter has finally decided on what to do.
  • Ri Shi seems to have reached a conclusion about the matter regarding You Ka.
  • However, it seems that the news of Kanpishi’s death has reached other nations too.
  • Han has also learned of this information, and we get to see the shocked reactions of many people.
  • They might not still know the reason, and situations regarding Kanpishi’s death.
  • Even so, this is still a huge blow for Han and their entire spy network.
  • Kanpishi was the supposed leader of the group, and it was due to him that Han was able to prosper this much.
  • Apart from this, even his role as a delegate was very useful to Han.
  • And finally, after many chapters, we get to see Ri Shin again.
  • Ri Shin was nowhere to be seen in this arc, because it was mostly filled with spy battles.
  • However now, there might be a situation where they also have to battle against Han.
  • It seems that Shin is meeting Kyou Kai and Kyou Rei in this chapter, to discuss something.
  • This might be about the Han situation now, as Ri Shin would also be shocked to hear this.

Raw Scans

Kingdom Chapter 766 Release Date

Kingdom Chapter 766 Release Date

Looks like there will be no break for Kingdom Chapter 766, and it will release according to schedule. However, the unofficial translations are a week ahead of the official release, and Chapter 766 will release on the 1st of August.

There also seem to be no breaks for the next chapter, and we can expect a normal release date for the next chapter too. It seems that finally, things turn to Ri Shin, from this chapter onwards.

This is the end of our full spoiler article on Kingdom Chapter 766. Make sure to check some of our other posts here, while we come up with other new and interesting ideas.

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