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Kingdom Chapter 774 Spoilers-Predictions & Release Date(Declaration of War)

Kingdom Chapter 774 will only start getting interesting as it will show us some of the fated fights in this war. The chapter starts with Shin talking to his soldiers, who are measuring the strength of enemy soldiers. 

Their reports mentioned that Zhao has over 60,000 soldiers on its left wing. Shin is staying extremely optimistic that he will defeat all of these soldiers with just 30,000 of his soldiers. 

He also says that he will try to kill Ri Boku after he has killed all of these soldiers. He is also making plans to attack Hango after they deal with these soldiers. General Akou also appears and says that Ou Hon had been placed to the rear so that they could support the right wing and the central army. 

He also asks them to always understand the situation of the war before making any moves; however, Ou Hon isn’t interested in this and says that these are common facts. 

Ou Hon also wishes him luck since no one knows what Zhao’s central army is looking like. Akou is certain that they will take down Hango but thinks that it might be too much work. 

Meanwhile, Yo Tan Wa and her mountain tribes are making their way to the battlefield. The mountain tribe army keeps talking about their strategies and the positions they are allotted to. 

Yo Tan Wa asks Kitari not to be too reckless in this war. Ou Sen receives information that all of the units are in position and ready to attack. We see the formation of Zhao,  Qin and the positions of all of the characters. 

Kingdom Chapter 774 Spoilers & Predictions

Kingdom Chapter 774 Spoilers & Predictions

The first blood will be dropped by Shin and his soldiers, who are the spark for this specific war. In the following chapters, we might get to see some sort of foreshadowing for some interesting battles

First, facing off against Yo Tan Wa, Kitari, and the Mountain Tribes are Ba Nan Ji, Ba Fuu Ji, Shun Sui Ju, and Kotsu Minihamu, who also have an abundance of over 20,000 soldiers on their side. 

However, Qin made up that difference for their central army. Leading the charge for Qin were Sou’Ou, Shi Ryou, and Akou, with a combined strength of 60,000 soldiers. Ou Sen and Den Ri Mi are also a part of this, who give the commands to these Generals. 

Facing them off on the Zhao side are Shi Ba Shou, Kan Saro, Ji Aga, Fuuon, and Gaku Shou. Ri Boku, Kaine, and Fu Tei are among the Zhao reserve army, with around 40,000 soldiers. 

Whereas for Qin, only Ou Hon serves as the reserve army head, with 30,000 soldiers. And finally, the last battle is between Enkan, with 70,000 soldiers, and Ri Shin and Kyou Kai, with 30,000 soldiers. 

Based on this information alone, we can see the foreshadowing of some exciting battles. We are especially interested to see the fighting styles and patterns of Shi Ba Shou, Kan Saro, and Ji Aga. 

Kingdom Chapter 774 Release Date

Kingdom Chapter 774 Release Date

Kingdom Chapter 774 will be released on October 11th or 12th, depending on how fast the unofficial translations will be. There seem to be no breaks for now, as we can see the new arc start with some fast-paced battles. 

The raw scans for the chapter should be released around the 8th or 9th of October. These spoilers will give us more idea about the sort of battles and confrontations that we might expect in the following chapters. 

Now, these are all of the possible prediction theories regarding Kingdom Chapter 774. Check out some of our other interesting and similar Kingdom content articles down below. 

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