Sakamoto Days is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yuto Suzuki. The basic plot of this series can be described as follows: Taro Sakamoto, who is also the main protagonist, faces trouble after he abandons his past profession of being a legendary assassin.
Sakamoto Days has been critically acclaimed for its delivery of humor and action. The article here addresses and highlights fifteen prominent characters from the series. We will also be exploring the frequent characters through the narratives of the series and discovering their personas.
Top 15 Main Characters In Sakamoto Days
15) Amane Yotsumura
Amane Yotsumura, the son of the ex-founder of the Order and a powerful assassin, joins Kei Uzuki’s group to bring the JAA down out of his rage. Subsequently, with the progress in the narrative, his hatred for JAA and his father keeps growing strong.
He considers his father to be the one who killed his mother and now seeks revenge on his father. In other words, he is a vindicator who desires to settle the score with his father by executing him.
14) Satoru Yotsumura
Satoru Yotsumura is an exiled member of the JAA, working to bring them down to avenge the humiliation they caused him. Ironically, he was the founding member of the Order organization, which is a sub-organization of JAA.
In addition to this, he is an honorary retired professor of the Japan Clear Creation (JCC). Despite Yotsumura’s terrorizing powers, either as an ex-founding member or an assassin, he appears to be a very caring father, willing to kill his wife for the sake of his son.
13) Gaku
Gaku is also an overwhelmingly powerful character in the realm of assassins presented in the series. He is a close acquaintance with Slur and also helps him to overthrow the JAA by uniting with the rest of the members of Kei Uzuki’s group.
Generally, Gaku is a calm and chilled person; nonetheless, he can turn into a ruthless monster, as illustrated by his action of killing JAA members casually without having a single remorse. He is so chilled and composed during fights that he starts eating snacks amid his battles.
12) Kumanomi
Kumanomi is one of the major characters in the series. Before becoming a skilled assassin, she was an orphan child at the Al-Kamar orphanage. After teaming up with Slur, she gains more acknowledgment and establishes herself as an antagonist.
Along with Slur, she decides to overthrow the JAA. Kumanomi is often seen intimidating others with her piercing gaze, exemplifying the situation where she mutes both Gaku and Slur with just a cutting glance.
11) Obiguro
Obiguro, a prominent character from the Sakamoto Days, is displayed as a deadly killer. Her character takes a more interesting turn as she assigns herself to the killing of Taro Sakamoto. She was introduced to the audience with her debut in Chapter 9, subsequently unveiling her potential.
Apart from her karate skills, she is also believed to have superhuman strength, which aids her in overpowering her opponents. Her speed is also said to be the same as Shin’s, but she would have easily subdued him if she did not hold back.
10) Osaragi
Osaragi is one of the fascinating characters in the series. Her character depiction is quite peculiar but admirable. She is a fresh recruit of the Order, a sub-organization confined to highly skilled assassins within the Japanese Association of Assassins (JAA).
Osaragi exhibits a childish demeanor, which is also reflected in her actions as well as her behavior. However, she is a highly skilled assassin who can kill a serial killer with a kill streak of 180 clod-blooded murders.
09) Rion Akao
Rion Akaoo plays a pivotal role in the story, being an old friend of Taro Sakamoto and Nagumo. These three shared close acquaintances from their time as students at the JCC. Rion, as depicted in the series, is an individual with an easygoing demeanor, often described as a fun-loving person.
Although Rion has a funny and laidback attitude, she is also counted among the strongest assassins. Rion’s demise, which was confirmed by Taro and Nagumo to be a murder committed by Slur, is the reason for the story to take a new turn.
08) Nagumo
Nagumo is portrayed as an old friend of Taro and a member of the “Order,” an organization within the JAA. Nagumo is depicted as an individual adorning an easy-going demeanor, who is also seen wearing a big, immutable smile on his face every time.
Despite this, he can turn into a cold-blooded assassin, and he is easily one of the strongest members of the organization. Nagumo was first introduced to the audience when he paid a visit to Taro to tell him about the bounty that was placed on his head.
07) Apart
Apart is considered the prime antagonist in “Death Row Prisoners Arc” due to the actions he committed in the past. Despite being an antagonist, he is quite a loveable character if we leave his merciless killing aside.
In the series he is depicted as an individual who desires to connect to strong personalities, which indicates the loneliness and parental abandonment he suffered as a kid. Even when he was sitting with Taro and company, he called them weird for treating him like a regular person.
06) Kei Uzuki
Kei Uzuki, an antagonist from the Sakamoto Days, is depicted as a merciless killing machine. His sole purpose throughout the series is to overthrow the “Japanese Association of Assassins” (JAA).
Because of his overwhelming combat skills, he is feared by everyone in the group to which he belongs, the “Order.” He is also referred to by the name “slur” or sometimes “X” because of the huge ‘X’ sign that he leaves at the site of a crime after murdering someone. This psychotic approach to the character of Uzuki sets him as an example of a notorious villain.
05) Kanaguri
The character of Kanaguri is displayed as an undercover member of Kei Uzuki’s organization and a member of the Order. Knaguri is often referred to as the most annoying villain in the series. It might be convincing after one understands his demeanor.
Apart from being a cold-blooded murderer, Kanaguri is also known for his love for filmmaking. He states that the moment he isn’t filming is not worth living. Such determination for his hobby is what sets him apart from the rest of the antagonists.
04) Shin Asakura
Shin Asakura is a former partner as well as a disciple of Taro Sakamoto. After Taro renounced his job, Shin was the first individual assigned to assassinate Taro. This becomes a huge turning point in Shin’s life, as his attempt to kill Taro Sakamoto went in vain.
As a result, Shin has to pay a lethal penalty, but to his surprise, Taro Sakamoto acts as his savior and saves him from being executed. Shin’s character changes drastically after this event; just like Taro, he gives up on his profession and chooses to live with Taro’s family.
03) Hana Sakamoto
Hana, the daughter of Aoi and Taro Sakamoto, is also one of the prominent characters in the series. Hana Sakamoto is portrayed as an elementary school student.
Hana is a lovable character who is cute, just like her name, which signifies flower in Japanese. Despite being the daughter of the main characters of this series, a lot about her has not been disclosed, and yet she is admired by the audience wherever she appears, retaining the affection of the readers.
02) Aoi Sakamoto
Aoi Sakamoto is displayed as the wife of Taro Sakamoto, the main protagonist of the series. Aoi can also be considered the only reason for Taro to withdraw from his role as an assassin, guiding Taro towards a peaceful and filial life.
Aoi’s demeanor is very captivating; she can be described as a loving and caring person when it comes to her family. Despite knowing her husband’s truth about being a world-class hitman, she conveys no sign of fear about living with him. In essence, she is fearless and a strong lady.
01) Taro Sakamoto
Taro Sakamoto is the main protagonist of the series, an ex-hitman profoundly renowned for his exceptional combat skills. Despite being such a world-class assassin, Taro falls in love with a girl, Aoi.
After marrying Aoi, he decides to renounce his role as an assassin and live the rest of his life with his family. As a consequence of this, he has to face an ample amount of threats, bringing his harmony to a halt. Although Taaro is often perceived as a calm person, he is enraged promptly when his family is threatened.
To conclude, “Sakamoto Days” presents a realm of assassins and a captivating storyline. These characters have created a place in the hearts of the audience through their appearance and backstory.
The series presents each character with a different plot and approach to create a distinctive perspective on them. The series has successfully acquired a huge fan base through its manifestation of a world filled with boosted violent enthusiasts, and the design depicted by Yuto Suzuki is acknowledged by everyone as well.
I am a first-year student pursuing Data Science and Artificial intelligence and have always been mesmerised by AI and wish to build one for my own in future. In my free time, I like to watch Romance Anime or read Seinen Manga.