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Updated | (New Character) One Piece Chapter 1054 Spoilers & Raw Scans

Last updated on July 25th, 2022 at 04:14 pm

This post is updated based on new information.

Finally, after a month-long hiatus, One Piece official manga is back. Once again, a glimpse of confirmed spoilers of One Piece Chapter 1054 is surfaced. It will be one of the most exciting chapters ever read, with many mysteries about the outside world. The new chapter will comprise the news on Sabo, Arabasta, World Government, and Aramaki/Greenbull. So, let’s discuss the updated spoilers of One Piece Chapter 1054.

Before deep diving into the spoilers, let’s go through the happenings of One Piece Chapter 1053 one more time. In the last chapter, we witnessed the new bounties of Monkey D. Luffy, Trafalgar Law, and Eustass Kid, i.e., three million berries each. Moreover, Monkey D. Luffy, along with Buggy, Shanks, and Marshal D. Teach, is the new Emperor of the sea. The worst generation has initiated to take over the world. In addition, we witnessed the truth of Kozuki Sukiyaki and the ancient weapon, Pluton.

One Piece Chapter 1054 Spoilers

Last but not least, the previous chapter showed Aramaki/Greenbull’s appearance and revealed the abilities of his fruit. However, his fruit’s name and type haven’t been unveiled yet. Or will it show in Chapter 1054? The answer is Yes. Now, without any further discussion, let’s jump on to the spoilers of One Piece Chapter 1054.

One Piece Chapter 1054 Spoilers

One Piece Chapter 1054 will release under the title “Emperor of Flames.” Emperor of Flames basically is the name of Ace’s “Entei” attack. But here, the title refers to the current situation of Sabo.

  • The chapter will be predominately focused on Sabo. 
  • The news from the Reverie is that the King of Arabasta, Nefratari Cobra is dead. The news will explain that Sabo has eliminated the King.
  • Ryokugyu has the Forest-Forest Logia devil fruit. Yamato will hit him. She and Scabbards will be the one who will stop Greenbull from entering the Flower Capital. Momonosuke will arrive and stop everyone from fighting.
  • Shanks will arrive on the shores of Wano and say, “It’s time to go for the One Piece,” but it seems like they desire to finish Bartolomeo first. For those who don’t know, in the Dressrosa arc, after the alliance, Bartolomeo burned Red Hair’s flag on his territory. It clearly indicates that Bartolomeo is challenging Red Hair Pirates. And now he is under the Straw Hat alliance. So, what will happen now?
  • Sabo and the Revolutionaries successfully helped Kuma.
  • Monkey D. Dragon will be on his way to a certain island with the whole fleet.
  • Sabo is called Emperor of the Flames.
  • In the end, Akainu and Kizaru will be talking to another character, Vice Admiral “Kurouma” (Black Horse), the head of navy investigation unit.
  • Also, the next chapter will not display any bounties. It means its center of attention will be the outside world, not the Flower Capital.

Here’s a summary of One Piece Chapter 1054. Below we have inserted the full summary of One Piece Chapter 1054 spoilers. In addition, the complete raw scans are also out. We have also attached the raw scans below.


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New Unsolved Mysteries

1) Why the Outside World is a mess & what happened to Sabo?

Presently, everyone is constantly stating that the Outside World has become upside down. The first reason behind this is due to the abolishment of Shichibukai.

We know that World Government attained something more powerful that they decided to capture all Warlords resulting in an all-out fight between Marines and Warlords. So, how many of them were captured by marines?

The second one is due to capturing Sabo at Mary Geoise. Some fans are predicting that he is in Impel, and some are contradicting that the WG has already eliminated him. Anything can be true. In the future, we will get to his current status.

2) Current status of Revolutionary

Everyone wants to know whether Dragon has taken some action against the WG or not. Oda sensei has already hinted at a battle between the WG and the Revolutionary, but what it’s the current status.

3) Who leaked Luffy’s Gear 5 photos to Morgan?

The last chapter unveiled that Guernica of CP0 captured the photos of Luffy Gear 5 and sent the news directly to the WG. But who gave this photo to Morgan? Apart from CP0, only Yamato and Momonosuke witnessed the fight between Luffy and Kaido. Apoo was only in an unconscious state after battling with CP0. So, who sent Luffy’s photo to Morgan?

4) What happened to the last member of CP0 after encountering Big Mom pirates?

We know that CP0 is powerful, but it’s impossible for one member to face Big Mom Pirates. Also, against them, he couldn’t simply escape by Moon Walk. Hence, in our opinion, he was either captured or eliminated by Big Mom pirates.

5) Why has Buggy become the Yonko?

There is a high possibility that Buggy has accidentally become the Yonko. Many fans have predicted that Marine ships that were after Buggy were destroyed by someone else in an instant, and everyone thought Buggy did it. It’s just the same way when he became the Warlord.

6) What happened to all Shichibukai?

There were other Shichibukai except for Buggy. The series showed only Mihawk, Boa Hancock, Buggy, and Weevil fighting against Marine. So how many of them were successful in escaping themselves.

7) If Pluton is in Wano, then which design did Franky burn in the Water Seven arc?

According to Robin, Albasta’s Poneglyph unveiled that Pluton, the battleship was here in Wano. So what did Franky burn that day? The whole CP9 was on the mission to take over Pluton’s design, and in the end, Franky burned it in front of everyone else. It seems like Pluton is something else, and we will get to on more about it in the future.

8) Where is Pluton and Road Poneglyph?

Now Robin is in search of Pluton and Road Poneglyph. So, where will it be? Maybe Kozuki Sukiyaki, the former Shogun of Wano, will help Robin and unveil everything to her. Also, there is a high probability that Sukiyaki may teach Momonosuke to read the ancient scriptures in the future.

9) What happened to Vivi?

Last but not least, along with Sabo, Vivi also gets captured by the WG. So her status now. Is she alive or not?

all devil fruits in One Piece

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The Future of One Piece

It is a time to be excited about the One Piece fans. With the new One Piece live-action adaptation on its way, the new animated movie Red has also released its trailer. In the trailer, Luffy meets up with Uta, and it is shown that he knows her from before, and they have been childhood friends. It is also revealed that she is, in fact, the daughter of Shanks.

Moving back to the manga, the official movie is teased with a colored poster and has fans speculating who this new unnamed villain is. 

Also, fans have speculated several things about the remaining chapters in Wano Arc.

New Emperors One Piece Chapter 1054

  • Now that it has been revealed that Pluton is actually hidden in Wano, Luffy and his crew will actively search for it to use against the World Government.
  • With King and Queen out of commission and Admiral Ryokogyu taking a more active part in the Wano Arc, things are turning heated as the admirals are now turning their attention to Wano, perhaps setting up a future confrontation very soon.
  • Since Blackbeard is one of the Shichibukai, it can be speculated that in the next arc, the World Government will enlist his help to take down Luffy as they consider him the primary threat to their hierarchy.
  • Since the outside world is in chaos given the circulation of Luffy’s poster in his awakened devil fruit state, which is being propagated by Big News Morgans. This will perhaps lead to a more strict regime by the World Government. Also, they want the D removed from Luffy’s poster.
  • Finally, Buggy being revealed as the new Yonko came much as a surprise. It might be that Oda Sensei has planned Buggy’s involvement in the next arc since the world government does not hand out the title of Yonko that easily.

One Piece Chapter 1054 Release Date

The One Piece Chapter 1054 will be released on July 25, 2022, after the four-week hiatus. It will come back with the 25th anniversary of the series. With the new characters making a complete appearance and the revelation that Pluton is in Wano, the future of one Piece appears exciting.

Where to Read One Piece Chapter 1054

The One Piece manga is available to read on Mangaplus Shueisha and Viz Media. Fans can read One Piece Chapter 1054 on July 25, 2022, when it gets officially released. Till then you have to wait for four weeks consequently. The anime series is available for streaming on Funimation and Crunchyroll, with new episodes released every Sunday. For such similar articles, keep following us.

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