Sakamoto Days Chapter 125 is the continuation of the fight between Kumanomi and Hyo in Thailand, we get to see Kumanomi’s electromagnetic ability in full display and more of Hyo’s assassination technique in this chapter.
Kumanomi throws a tuk-tuk at Hyo, but he dodges it, she breaks it apart behind him and uses the parts from the tuk-tuk to pull forward to punch him in the gut.
However, Hyo takes it with ease which surprises Kumanomi and she quickly backs off to create space she tries throwing the parts again, but Hyo manages to retaliate with a hard punch to her gut this time. Hyo’s raw strength makes Kumanomi wonder if it’s even humanely possible to bust through steel with ease.
In the next panel, Kumanomi tries to create a barricade from all the metal signs but Hyo breaks through it easily again with his raw inhumane strength and gets a hit on her again which causes her to cough up blood.
Kumanomi then proceeds to take all the knives in the area to create a sharp steel whip, Hyo punches through it again but he blocks the steel whip upon noticing civilians behind him which damages his shoulders.
Seeing this, Kumanomi exploits Hyo’s soft trait as any good assassin would do, and she raises the metal screws from the surroundings to create a coil gun. She then shoots it at a kid, and as expected Hyo takes the hit, but the bullet destroys his right eye.
Hyo stands still and contemplates his life so far and knows he will never become a true assassin because of his soft nature. He has worked too hard to throw it all away but some part of him is satisfied with dying as a member of The Order.
Kumanomi prepares the second shot and remarks that his personality is incompatible with a job like an assassin. She shoots but the bullet is shot down by Heisuke which feels like a scene straight from the 2008 action/thriller movie Wanted.
Sakamoto Days Chapter 126 Spoilers-Prediction
Heisuke will probably team up with Hyo to take down Kumanomi, which will be quite anti-climactic considering we’ve only had her for four chapters, but the opposite could also happen where Kumanomi, retreats or she has a backup of her own too.
It would be exciting to see Haruma join the fight and take down an order member for once or we could be witnessing the reveal of another Slur member.
We might get to see a bit of what Sakamoto and his crew have been doing lately in Thailand. Have they located Slur’s hideout, or will they cross paths with Akira first? We will have to wait for the next chapter to find out.
Sakamoto Days Chapter 126 Release Date
Read the latest chapter on the 10th of July and if you’re looking for something similar to Sakamoto Days, head on over to our site. There are thousands of posts to help you find the anime and manga you’ve been looking for to watch and read.
This marks the end of our article on Sakamoto Days Chapter 126 Spoilers and Predictions. However, we will be keeping up with the spoilers-predictions content for every new upcoming chapter of Sakamoto Days and many others. So, make sure to keep an eye out for all your favorite anime and manga only on Otaku Notes.
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