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15 Best Stock Market Movies On Amazon Prime

There are so many genres of movies available online. Everyone has their own favorite genre, but some prefer to watch business-related or finance-related movies. Such films portray them in various ways and other aspects of the stock market as well.

Isn’t it satisfying to watch the protagonists achieve what they were dreaming of and feel a sense of pride for what they have done? It feels like you are living their life with them and evolving together in the process.

And nowadays, online streaming platforms are in trend; Amazon Prime is one of them. You can go through this article if you are interested or want to discover the world of stock market movies dealing with their growth and failure and how they learn from them.

Best Stock Market Movies On Amazon Prime

1. The Wolf of Wall Street

IMDb Ratings8.2
Duration3 hours
Released Year2013


The Wolf of Wall Street is a 2013 movie under the direction of Martin Scorsese. The film came out on January 3rd. It is a true story based on Jordan Belfort, an American entrepreneur. The plot narrates the story of him walking the stairs to success and becoming a moneyed stockbroker.

Jordan has been enjoying his luxurious life with the help of Donnie Azoff. But, soon, he sees his downhill in the market, gets entangled with corruption and offense, and is on the verge of losing everything he has earned.

2. The Big Short

IMDb Ratings7.8
Duration2 hour 10 minutes
Released Year2015


The Big Short is an Adam McKay film that came out in 2015. The crime comedy-drama movie is an adaptation of a book under the name The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine, written by Michael Lewis.

This American film has three different yet coincidental stories. After monitoring the flux in the US housing market, some finance specialists foresaw its doom during the mid-2000s. They start investigating the case and learn about the system’s faults and corruption. The three events resulted in the collapse of the US housing market in 2007.

3. Equity

IMDb Ratings5.6
Duration1 hour 40 minutes
Released Year2016


Equity hit the screens in 2016, which was directed by Meera Menon. It is a financial thriller movie that deals with a senior acquisition banker, Naomi Bishop. She has to find a way to reach the heights of the Wall Street ladder, which is full of grinds.

Naomi is right in the eyes of a prosecutor, Samantha Ryan, as she is accused of being crooked. And she needs to find a way to unravel all the immorality happening there.

4. Boiler Room

IMDb Ratings7
Duration2 hours
Released Year2000


Ben Younger directed the film Boiler Room, which was released in 2000. It is a crime drama movie focusing on a student, Seth, who drops out of college. He wants to live up to his father’s expectations, so he begins working as a broker for a suburban investment company.

Seth starts getting a lot of money out of that job, and he can see him gradually leading a successful life, but his golden dreams are soon coming to an end. His life as a bowl of cherries is surrounded by desire, crime, and illegitimacy.

5. Money Monster

IMDb Ratings6.5
Duration1 hour 38 minutes
Released Year2016


Money Monster is a film directed by Jodie Foster that came out in 2016. The crime thriller movie follows the story of a financial specialist, Lee Gates, who hosts a show named Money Monster, where he counsels on investments.

But during the run of his show, one day, he and Patty, the producer, with their staff, are put in a hostage situation. The person behind this is Kyle, who loses money after he funds a firm supported by Gates. Kyle gets enraged and takes them hostage.

6. Catch Me If You Can

IMDb Ratings8.1
Duration2 hour 21 minutes
Released Year2002


Catch Me If You Can is a Steven Spielberg crime comedy-drama movie that hit screens in 2002. Being a con artist is an art, as proved by Frank Abagnale. It was released on December 25th. In his 20s, his master-class level of deceiving people is going way too far.

Frank has defrauded numerous victims out of millions of bucks, and with each con, he only becomes more daring. The FBI agent Carl Hanratty sets his mind to hunt Frank down at all costs.

7. Inside Job

IMDb Ratings8.2
Duration1 hour 48 minutes
Released Year2010


Inside is a 2010 Charles Ferguson documentary movie. It gives you a closer look at the infamous global monetary meltdown that occurred in 2008.

This breakdown became the reason for people losing their jobs and becoming homeless, and it completely sank the economy of the United States. Viewers can watch the key factors that made it happen in detail.

8. Capitalism: A Love Story

IMDb Ratings7.4
Duration2 hour 7 minutes
Released Year2009


Capitalism: A Love Story was directed by Michael Moore and released in 2009. It came out on the October 2nd. The documentary movie concentrates on the American capitalist system‘s accomplishments and absolute drawbacks.

It promotes selfishness while claiming to support free business, and the wealthiest 1% possess more worth than the bottom 95% altogether.

9. American Psycho

IMDb Ratings7.6
Duration1 hour 42 minutes
Released Year2000


American Psycho is a 2000 Mary Harron psychological, satirical, and horror movie. It is an adaptation of a novel of the same name written by Bret Easton Ellis.

The film follows the story of Patrick Bateman, an affluent investment banking director living in New York City. He seems ordinary from the outside, but he is hiding his psychopathic ego from everyone around him. Patrick no longer has control over his unrestrained and wrong-headed illusions.

10. Chasing Madoff

IMDb Ratings6.2
Duration1 hour 31 minutes
Released Year2010


Chasing Madoff came out in 2010 under the direction of Jeff Prosserman. The film takes inspiration from the book written by Harry Markopolos.

It centers on the story of Harry Markopolos, a securities executive and investigator, and his teams spent ten years in an attempt to uncover the enormous Ponzi plan of Bernie Madoff. He has defrauded investors out of approximately $18 billion.

11. Citizen Kane

IMDb Ratings8.3
Duration1 hour 59 minutes
Released Year1941


Orson Welles directed the 1941 drama movie Citizen Kane. It hit screens on September 5th. The American film revolves around a secret only Charles Foster Kane knows, but he died emitting one word. He was a prosperous newspaper publisher.

Jerry Thompson, a reporter, decides to discover the meaning of the word rosebud and the puzzle linked to it.

12. Working Girl

IMDb Ratings6.8
Duration1 hour 53 minutes
Released Year1988


Working Girl is a 1988 film created under the direction of Mike Nichols. The American movie focuses on the story of a secretary, Tess. Her idea, which she presented in front of her boss, gets stolen.

Tess grasps an opportunity to get back to her by possessing the identity of Katherine. But she knows all along that the path she chooses will not be easy for her.

13. The Pursuit of Happyness

IMDb Ratings8
Duration1 hour 57 minutes
Released Year2006


The Pursuit of Happyness is a 2006 film created under the direction of Gabriele Muccino. It was released on December 15th. The movie revolves around the real-life story of Chris Gardner, who is dealing with financial difficulties.

He is trying his best but fails every time. It makes his wife decide to leave him and their son with him. Being a single dad is not easy, and now Chris has to think more about his son to support them. Not much later, their condition gradually gets better, and Chris’s hard work is starting to pay off.

14. Arbitrage

IMDb Ratings6.6
Duration1 hour 47 minutes
Released Year2012


Arbitrage is a crime drama created under the direction of Nicholas Jarecki. The 2012 film narrates the story of a thriving enterprise capitalist named Robert Miller. He even unknowingly gets trapped in a web of troubles.

Robert is unable to escape his situation, no matter what course of action he chooses. He is left with no choice but to ask for help from others as his position worsens. Miller needs to take care of both his family and the corporation.

15. Trading Places

IMDb Ratings7.5
Duration1 hour 56 minutes
Released Year1983


Trading Places is a 1983 comedy movie that focuses on John Landis. It was released on June 8th. While playing a game, two millionaire brothers make a bet with a con artist.

They are leading a life of playing UNO reverse in real life. And we are talking about those heartless millionaires. He needs to find a way to deal with him.


All the movies mentioned above have different stories but have the same motive. They teach us valuable lessons and make us understand their world. They encourage us to overcome problems, keep working hard, never lose our dreams, and boost our morale. And also that both growth and failure are a part of our lives but leave us with a good lesson.

If you want to make a career in the stock market, mind my words, give these movies a watch, and you will get to discover many significant things about them. They will make you realize that success is not overnight; one needs to work overly hard.

Do small things with great love.

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