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Seven Deadly Sins is a Japanese manga series created by Nakaba Suzuki. It has been serialized from October 2012 to March 2020 during which its popularity spread far and wide.
In Seven Deadly Sins, we go along the journey of seven knights who were disbanded after being framed. They were regrouped by a Goddess named Elizabeth after which they set on to clear their names.
Throughout the series, we have seen many powerful characters not only from the group of Seven Deadly Sins but also from the group of the Ten Commandments.
The most exciting part of the series was that each character developed in their form and thereby increased their power level as the series progressed.
Today we are going to rank the top 30+ strongest characters in Seven Deadly Sins based on their estimated power level.
Note: Here, we are also taking the characters of “Four Knights of the Apocalypse“. So, you can read the ranking of all the strongest characters combined in both of the manga series.
31) Sariel
Japanese Name | サリエル |
Age | 5000 |
Species | Goddess |
Powers | Ark, Healing, Flight, Tornado Grace |
Hair Color | Light Blue |
Eye Color | Yellow |
Sariel is one of the four archangels who is equally powerful to Tarmiel, his partner. He is nearly 5000 years old and has the appearance of a child. Sariel fought plenty of fights with Tarmiel and Ludociel against the demon clan.
Being an archangel is very powerful and has the grace of a Tornado, which means he can form powerful winds. Not only this, he has extremely powerful healing abilities.
To defeat the four archangels, Monspeet and Derieri used the Indura form by sacrificing their heart. Sariel did his best but was overwhelmingly defeated by them.
Later on, he was saved by Elizabeth and decided to follow her on Ludociel. His powerful attack is the formation of powerful winds that can shred anything or anyone into pieces.
30) Tarmiel
Japanese Name | タルミエル |
Age | 5000 |
Species | Goddess |
Powers | Ark, Healing, Flight, Ocean Grace |
Hair Color | Middle: Blonde Right: Green Left: Purple |
Eye Color | Middle: Yellow Right: Green Left: Purple |
Tarmiel was part of the Four Archangels belonging to the Goddess Clan. His insane level of endurance was proved by the fact that he was able to withstand 54 of Derieri’s Combo Star hits and remained unaffected by them.
Tarmiel also had healing properties by which he could regenerate himself at a fast rate. His main technique was Ark which allowed him to create light particles.
29) Cusack
Japanese Name | キューザック |
Age | 6000 |
Species | Demon |
Powers | Resonant, Dual Sword mastery |
Hair Color | Red |
Eye Color | Black |
Cusack was one of the two highest-ranked demons in the Demon Clan. He was initially a part of the “Original Demon” along with Chandler.
His task was to train Zeldris as was assigned by the Demon King. He was powerful enough to rival his student Zeldris and exceptional with his speed and strength.
His inherent move was Resonant which allowed him to link with anyone through their eyesight.
28) Donny
Japanese Name | ドニー」 |
Age | 16 |
Species | Human |
Powers | Telekinesis, Quartet-Attack Slash Squall |
Hair Color | Dark Pink |
Eye Color | N/A |
Donny is one of the members of the Holy Knights of Lioness, who later went on to join Percival’s platoon. He is very proficient with using blades and other weapons.
Donny can use his Telekinesis attack to throw away opponents or even objects. He also generally likes to hide away his fighting skill and ability when it comes to fights.
27) Chandler
Japanese Name | チャンドラー |
Age | 6000 |
Species | Demon |
Powers | Punishment, Full Counter, Absolute Cancel, Microscopic, Meteorworks, Absolute Order, Dragon Claw, Crimson Requiem, Grudge Blade, Flesh Clone, Exterminate Ray, Darkness |
Hair Color | Green |
Eye Color | Black |
Chandler was also one of two high-ranked demons in the Demon clan. He was created by the Demon King after splitting up the “Original Demon” into two.
He was also assigned the task to train Meliodas. Chandler was powerful enough to take up nine spots in the Ten Commandments by himself.
We saw his prominence when he was able to take on Gowther and King’s Celestial Arrow and recover quickly. His main ability was Full Counter which allowed him to reflect any magic aimed at him.
26) Elizabeth (Goddess)
Japanese Name | エリザベス |
Age | N/A |
Species | Goddess |
Powers | Ark, Let There be Light, Levitation, Time Regression Spell, Empathetic power |
Hair Color | Silver |
Eye Color | Normal: Blue Goddess: Orange |
Elizabeth was the daughter of the ruler of the Goddess Clan, the Supreme Deity. She had the main technique of the Goddess Clan, Ark that allowed her to create light particles.
We got a glimpse of her power when she was able to draw out the miasma from the Commandment Melascula. After awakening her powers as a Goddess, she got a surge in her power level raising it to 186000.
25) Estarossa (Four Commandments)
Japanese Name | エスタロッサ |
Age | 3500+ years |
Species | Demon |
Powers | Full Counter, Hellblaze, Rebellion, Blackout, Killing Saucer, Frenzy, Tentacle Blade, Decree Absorption |
Hair Color | White |
Eye Color | Black |
Estarossa was Mael whose memory was altered by Gowther, Demon to make him a member of the Ten Commandments.
Initially, he absorbed the commandment of Purity using the ability of Admonition which made him an extremely powerful demon.
Later he absorbed the Commandments of Truth and Reticence and was given the Commandment of Love additionally by the Demon King. This let him achieve a total power level of 200000.
24) Ludociel
Japanese Name | リュドシエル |
Age | 6000 |
Species | Goddess |
Powers | Ark, Breath of Bless, Flash |
Hair Color | Black |
Eye Color | White |
Ludociel led the Four Archangels belonging to the Goddess Clan. Being the leader, he was quite powerful and his mere presence was enough to startle others.
His inherent ability was Ark which allowed him to disintegrate darkness with light particles. The Supreme Deity granted him the Grace known as Flash which made him move at hyper-speed.
23) Derieri (Indura Form)
Japanese Name | デリエリ |
Age | 377 |
Species | Demon |
Powers | Combo Star |
Hair Color | Orange |
Eye Color | Normal: Brown Demon: Black |
Derieri was a powerful warrior of the Demon Clan and belonged to the Ten Commandments as the Purity. Her innate power was Combo Star which allowed her to continue attacking without interruption by creating a chain of attacks.
After transforming herself into the Indura Form, she gained a massive power boost taking her power level to that 208000.
22) Monspeet (Indura Form)
Japanese Name | モンスピート |
Age | 415 |
Species | Demon |
Powers | Trick Star, Hellblaze, Hellfire Bird, Ash Dragon |
Hair Color | Purple |
Eye Color | Black |
Monspeet also served as an elite warrior of the Demon Clan and worked directly under the Demon King. He was part of the Ten Commandments as the Reticence.
His sensory capabilities allowed him to detect groups of enemies from far away. Monspeet transformed himself into the beast of destruction Indura by sacrificing six of his seven hearts.
This led him to acquire incredible power and strength raising his power level to 212000.
21) Merlin (True Power)
Japanese Name | マーリン |
Age | 3000+ years |
Species | Human |
Powers | Infinity, Absolute Cancel, Location, Power Amplify, Perfect Cube, Teleportation, Curse Manipulation |
Hair Color | Black |
Eye Color | Gold |
Merlin was another one of the members of the Seven Deadly Sins. She was known to be the best mage in the land of Britannia.
Her Sacred Treasure, the Morning Star Aldan worked well in combination with her inherent ability, Infinity. It allowed her to cast spells that went beyond time and lasted infinitely.
We got a demonstration of her power when during the Battle of Camelot, she was able to defeat the two highest-ranked devils Chandler and Cusack.
20) Nasiens
Japanese Name | ナシエンス |
Age | 16 |
Species | Human |
Powers | Mix Venom, Henbane, Belladonna |
Hair Color | Light Brown |
Eye Color | Yellow |
Nasiens is also one of the strongest characters in Seven Deadly Sins, due to his ability. This puts him at a great advantage in battle and lets him try a plethora of new moves.
He also has a Quartet-Attack Slash Squall combination attack with Donny, Percival, and Anghalhad. Coming to his fighting abilities, he can digest any kind of poison and create an entirely new mix out of that.
19) Ironside
Japanese Name | イロンシッド |
Age | N/A |
Species | Human |
Powers | Belfest Margot, Ragna Claw, Star-Shaped Cutting Power |
Hair Color | N/A |
Eye Color | N/A |
Ironside was a former Holy Knight, who went undercover, after forgoing his position and role. Later, he came to be called the Red Knight and Ironside the Assassin.
He is also the father of Percival, one of the strongest characters in Seven Deadly Sins. His Star-Shaped cutting power is his most deadly move yet, which allows him to cut through anyone or anything.
18) Zeldris (With Ominous Nebula)
Japanese Name | ゼルドリス |
Age | 268 |
Species | Demon |
Powers | Full Counter, |
Hair Color | Black |
Eye Color | Normal: Green Demon: Black |
Zeldris was the younger son of the Demon King and the leader of the Ten Commandments. He served directly under his father and also acted as his representative.
He was an extremely powerful demon with great combat skills. His inherent power was Ominous Nebula which raised his power level to a maximum of 225000.
Using this power, he could create a vortex, thereby, attracting all enemies nearby and slicing them with lightning reflexes if they happened to make contact.
17) Ardbeg
Japanese Name | アードベック |
Age | N/A |
Species | Human |
Powers | Reverse, Chaos Staff |
Hair Color | N/A |
Eye Color | N/A |
Ardbeg is a user of the Chaos Staff, and he knows how to use its power effectively. He also has a very powerful magic attribute, which can prove fatal to many opponents in battle.
His magic, Reverse reverts his opponents to their youngest age, along with their physical and magical abilities. This would prove as a great counter against powerful foes in battle and gain a great advantage.
16) The Original Demon, Sinner
Japanese Name | 原初の魔神 |
Age | 6,000 years |
Species | Demon |
Powers | Crisis, Hellblaze, Death Drive |
Hair Color | N/A |
Eye Color | N/A |
Sinner was a demon created by the Demon King long ago. He was trusted by the Demon King and was allowed to rule over the Underworld.
However, the Original Demon rebelled against the Demon King and tried to take the throne himself. As a result, he was punished and his body and soul were further divided into two demons, Chandler and Cusack.
During the Holy War, Chandler and Cusack fused to form the Original Demon again who played an instrumental role in stopping the war.
15) Melagaland
Japanese Name | メラガラン |
Age | N/A |
Species | Demon |
Powers | Hades’ Supper, Chaos Halberd, Wretched Scatter Strike |
Hair Color | N/A |
Eye Color | N/A |
Melagaland is a monstrosity, that came forth after Melascula and Galand merged as one. Both of them merged to become a very powerful demon and came as a great threat to the Four Knights of Apocalypse.
With this, Melagaland releases a different kind of neurotoxin, that takes a heavy toll on their opponents. On top of messing up with their opponent’s senses, Melagaland also releases a heavy barrage of almost inescapable attacks.
14) Guinevere
Japanese Name | ギネヴィア |
Age | 12 |
Species | Human |
Powers | Kaledioscope |
Hair Color | Dark Burgundy |
Eye Color | Dark Burgundy |
Although she might look like a harmless little kid at first, she possesses a fearsome power. She is also the princess of the Kingdom of Cameliard.
Guinevere has a very broken ability, to take a look into the future with 100% accuracy. With this, she also proclaims that she has seen through all of the incidents in her life till age 71. This makes her a very powerful foe in battle, as she always knows what will happen to her and her surroundings.
13) King (Full Grown Wings)
Japanese Name | キング |
Age | 1300+ years |
Species | Fairy |
Powers | Disaster, Levitation, Transformation, Heart Reading, Dancing Fairy, Chastiefol |
Hair Color | Brown |
Eye Color | Amber |
King was another one of the members of Seven Deadly Sins. Although his power was not as great as Ban and Meliodas, he was not lagging far behind.
The Fairy King’s Forest and the Fairy Realm were under his protection. His Sacred Treasure, the Spirit Spear Chastiefol worked great in synchronization with his inherent power, Disaster.
After he was able to achieve his Full Grown Wings, it raised his power level to 416000 and also allowed him to fully access the power of the Sacred Tree and his Sacred Treasure.
12) Gawain
Japanese Name | ガウェイン |
Age | 16 |
Species | Human |
Powers | Sunshine, Absolute Cancel, Teleportation, Object Transition, Levitation |
Hair Color | Dark Blue |
Eye Color | Green |
Gawain is the niece of one of the strongest characters in Seven Deadly Sins, Arthur Pendragon. She is very strong, as she has a very well-built muscular body, that lets her overpower anyone with brute force alone.
On top of this, she is also the next user of Sunshine and the wielder of Rhitta now. This alone is enough to understand why she is among the strongest characters in Seven Deadly Sins. Gawain also has a special move, where she can cancel out any magic and its effects.
11) Mael (With Sunshine)
Japanese Name | マエル |
Age | 3500 |
Species | Goddess |
Powers | Ark, Decree Absorption, Bell of Truth, Lightball of Love, Killing Saucer, Scythe of Silence, Incense of Purity, Invitation to Reincarnation |
Hair Color | White |
Eye Color | Blue |
Mael belonged to the group of the Four Archangels of the Goddess Clan.
During the Holy War, his memory was altered by the Demon King and he was given a new identity as one of the members of the Ten Commandments with a new name of Estarossa.
Being a member of the Four Archangels, he was exceptionally strong and was next to the Supreme Deity in terms of power.
Mael could dominate opponents with the techniques made by his ability, Sunshine which was also responsible for him achieving a great power level.
10) Ban (With Sacred Treasure Release & after purgatory)
Japanese Name | バン |
Age | 1114+ years |
Species | Human |
Powers | Snatch, Immortality, Courechouse |
Hair Color | Pale Blue |
Eye Color | Red |
Ban was one of the Top 3 members of Seven Deadly Sins. The Holy Rod Courechouse was his Sacred Treasure.
Its special power “Super Concentration” raised his physical and mental capabilities to the extreme which ultimately helped him to reach his maximum power level of 675000.
His most significant power growth occurred after he trained in the harsh conditions of Purgatory. He fought against the hellish creatures living there all while resisting the extreme temperatures of the place.
Ban’s star asset is his ability Snatch which allowed him to steal the physical objects and abilities of others. Ban showcases his abilities numerous times, which makes him the top 10 strongest characters in Seven Deadly Sins.
9) Lancelot
Japanese Name | ランスロット |
Age | 16 |
Species | Fairy/Human Hybrid |
Powers | Heart Reading, Transformation, Levitation, Shining Road |
Hair Color | Blonde Sin: Pink and White |
Eye Color | Red |
Lancelot is the Son of Ban and Elaine, who later joins the Four Knights of Apocalypse. Along with being a hybrid in nature, which lets him use more power freely, he is also very powerful.
Lancelot is also known by his alias Knight of War, which proves his thirst for battles. Another interesting fact about him is that no other weapon can handle his magic power except for Bow and Arrows.
8) Tristan
Japanese Name | トリスタン・リオネス |
Age | 16 |
Species | Nephilim |
Powers | Ark, Flight, Full Counter, Demonic Mode |
Hair Color | Silver |
Eye Color | Right Eye: Blue Left Eye: Green Goddess Power: Orange Demon Power: Black |
Tristan is the son of Meliodas and Elizabeth and has the combined natures of both Goddess and Demon forms. He is freely able to use whichever kind of power in battle to deal with his opponents.
Tristan is also another member of the Four Knights of Apocalypse and is titled Knight of Pestilence. Even when he was a kid, Gowther saw his innate potential and told that he was too strong for a kid.
7) Escanor (The One Ultimate)
Japanese Name | エスカノール |
Age | 41 |
Species | Human |
Powers | Sunshine, Super Slash, The One: Ultimate, Divine Sword Escanor, Divine Spear Escanor, Rhitta |
Hair Color | Ginger |
Eye Color | Blue |
Escanor was one of the members of the Seven Deadly Sins and was next to Meliodas in terms of power. He was known as the “Strongest Holy Knight” throughout Liones and his Sacred Treasure was his Divine Axe, Rhitta.
His inherent power, Sunshine allowed him to acquire great power during the day but it starts decreasing at night. Escanor’s greatest ability was “The One” which he achieved during the peak of his power at noon. He was even able to exceed this and achieve a new form ” The One Ultimate” taking his power level to 798000.
6) Percival
Japanese Name | パーシバル |
Age | 16 |
Species | Human |
Powers | Extremely precise aim, Hope, Form Taking, Magic Golem Creation, Mummification |
Hair Color | Green |
Eye Color | Purple |
Percival is the son of Ironside, and one of the Four Knights of Apocalypse. Despite his short appearance, he is the most powerful member among the Four Knights of Apocalypse.
He is also titled the Knight of Death, which fits his nature of abilities perfectly. Percival is also very strong and has achieved numerous unimaginable feats. He also can aim at targets behind him, so surprise attacks could never work on him.
5) Gowther (Demon)
Japanese Name | ゴウセル |
Age | N/A |
Species | Demon |
Powers | Invasion, Transformation, Herritt |
Hair Color | Dark Pink |
Eye Color | Varying between Amber and Black |
Being an elite member of the Demon Clan and a powerful mage, Gowther was quite a strong character. He worked directly under the Demon King and was Selflessness in the Ten Commandments.
However, due to his refusal to take part in any fights, he was imprisoned in the Demon Prison for five hundred years. His inherent power was Invasion which allowed him to trap his enemies within their memories.
Although he was pretty low in his power level, he had stored enough magic power to manipulate everyone’s memories to end the Holy war and was feared by the Demon King himself. This is the single reason, he is among the top 4 strongest characters in Seven Deadly Sins.
4) Supreme Deity
Japanese Name | 最高神 |
Age | N/A |
Species | Goddess, Celestial |
Powers | Ark, Breath of Bless, God Thunder, Grace, Divine Power of Ten Wings, Immortality, Dark Curse Immunity, Power of Creation |
Hair Color | Silver |
Eye Color | Orange |
The Supreme Deity was the only one equal to the initial power level of the Demon King. She was the only one who was capable of taking on the Demon King at that time.
She created the Goddess Clan and also ruled over it. Being the most powerful Goddess in the series, she possessed immense strength which was indicated by the fact that she had ten wings. We got a glimpse of her power when she dominated and defeated Meliodas during the Holy War.
3) Demon King (While possessing Britania)
Japanese Name | 魔神王 |
Age | N/A |
Species | Demon |
Powers | Longevity, The Ruler, Sighing Sage, Hermit of Moments, Hell Gate Blade, Beast of Darkness, Death Zero, Nature Manipulation |
Hair Color | Blonde |
Eye Color | N/A |
The Demon King is the main antagonist of Seven Deadly Sins. He has always been a fearful character and was later revealed to be the father of Meliodas who had put a curse on him.
He was the ruler of the Demon Clan and was also the creator of the Ten Commandments. The Demon King was always on the lookout to increase his power and even didn’t spare his sons.
His maximum power level resulted from absorbing the land of Britannia infused with the Ten Commandments. At this moment, Demon King became the top 3 strongest characters in Seven Deadly Sins.
2) Meliodas (True Magic Form)
Japanese Name | メリオダス |
Age | 3000+ years |
Species | Demon |
Powers | Full Counter, Hell Blaze, Assault Mode, Thousand Divine Slayer, Trillion Dark, Purple Lightning Slash, Dark Prominence |
Hair Color | Blonde |
Eye Color | Normal: Green Demon: Black |
Meliodas is the elder son of the Demon King. He had the best character growth in the series in terms of power level and various forms.
He continuously exceeded his potential and went on to become one of the top 3 strongest characters in the series. His most powerful form was his True Magic Form in which he attained a monstrous power level of 100000. This form was so overwhelming that he could easily dominate his opponents and impose himself over them.
1) King Arthur (Chaos Awakened)
Japanese Name | アーサー・ペンドラゴン |
Age | 32 |
Species | Human |
Powers | Sequence, Excalibur, Carnwennan, Altering Reality |
Hair Color | Amber |
Eye Color | Violet |
King Arthur ruled over Camelot and held the legendary sword, Excalibur. He was chosen to be the host of Chaos which was an insanely powerful entity.
It was the creator of the world and also made god-like beings like the Supreme Deity and the Demon King. Thus, it was above all characters in the series and no one even comes close to it. With this, he is the strongest characters in Seven Deadly Sins.
After King Arthur awakened Chaos within himself he practically rose above every being. He even possessed the power to create new worlds and life making him the Supreme Entity. He was also able to defeat Cath Palug who stole a fragment of his power and used it to bend time and space.
Honorable Mention
Cath Palug
The mysterious creature was born from the Mother of Chaos. It is powerful enough to be categorized in the top tier. The last beast appeared in the final chapters of the greed of Chaos’ power.
However, it got defeated by King Arthur in the end. Its power level is still unknown which is why it’s difficult to place it on the list. Below we have ranked all members of the Ten Commandments from the beginning including Calmndios and Zeno.
Must Read- Ten Commandments Seven Deadly Sins: Members, Power, and Curses Explained
This concludes our ranking of the top 30 strongest characters in Seven Deadly Sins. Arthur leads the pack among everyone due to the power of Chaos within himself with Meliodas being next to him.
The Demon King has also climbed the ladder of power quite significantly in the series and managed to rank third. Overall, there have been very few surprises on this list.
We will be back with another top 10 article soon. Till then, fans can watch the Seven Deadly Sins anime on Netflix or read the manga.
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Eswar Keshav is an ardent anime fan for more than a decade. Along with this, he also has been following anime and manga updates for years. He is also enthusiastic and passionate when it comes to writing about his favorite things. Combining his love for writing and his love for anime and manga, his articles speak of his love for the genre.